Topics 2

Topics and Instructors

An Exploration of Selfhood; Who am I?TBD
Soul and Body: What is the difference between my soul and body?TBD
Do parallel worlds exist within this material world?TBD
Is God just?TBD
What is religion for?TBD
Ethics in Everyday Life: Islamic Teachings for Self-ImprovementTBD
Our Social Responsibilities as MuslimsTBD
Challenges Faced by Muslims in the Modern WorldTBD
Countering Islamophobia: How to Defend Our ReligionTBD
Why are women's and men's rights not equal in Islam?TBD
Influential Women in Islamic HistoryTBD
Why are there two groups, Shia and Sunni?TBD
The Question of Afterlife; Is man alive after death?TBD
Knowledge and Faith: Two Wings for Deeper UnderstandingTBD